Al Ahli Hospital Emergency Appeal is live.

Oct 26, 2023 | News | 0 comments

Al Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza City is a remarkable, 139-year-old charitable healthcare institution owned and operated by the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem. The hospital has been severely damaged during recent unrest.

Though bombs that fell near Ahli Hos­pital blew out windows, the hos­pital is open and trying des­per­ately to serve its usual patients at its free com­munity clinic, its child trauma clinic, and its clinic for mal­nour­ished and under­weight chil­dren all the while strug­gling to cope with the arrival the injured.

Arch­bishop Hosam Naoum, the newly installed bishop of Jer­u­s­alem, in a state­ment to the Diocese of Jerusalem’s friends and sup­port­ers, said, “[We con­tinue our] Chris­tian mission of bring­ing healing to the wounded, relief to those who have lost their homes and live­li­hoods, and comfort to those who mourn the loss of loved ones. Al Ahli Hos­pital in Gaza has been on the front­lines of these relief efforts, becom­ing a beacon of hope to those trying to remain alive under such dire circumstances.”

You can donate to support the work of Ahli Arab Hos­pital dir­ectly through Anglican Mis­sions. Donate here

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