Ministry Kura

May 15, 2024 | Events | 0 comments

17-19 July, for all Licenced clergy

Ministry Kura – 17th to 19th July 2024


Registrations now closed!

Click here to view the full schedule

Where: Rangiaowhia & Waikato Diocesan School for Girls, Hamilton.

Who: Licenced clergy

Details: Combined Ministry Kura with Te Manawa o Te Wheke

Commencing: 11am on Wednesday 17th July in Rangiaowhia.

Concluding: Early afternoon on Friday 19th July in Hamilton.

Note: All licenced clergy are expected to attend the Ministry Kura.
(Clergy, please wear a clerical collar for the first day of Ministry Kura commencing at Rangiaowhia. Women please wear long skirt/dress. Men long pants please)
Accommodation: If you have indicated accommodation is required, please note you will need to provide your own bedding (linen, blanket/duvet or sleeping bag, pillow and pillowslip), towel and toiletries.

Below are some resources to assist our pre­par­a­tion for this Kura, which is focused on Cen­ter­ing Cre­ation in Min­istry and the fifth Mark of Mission:
(5) To strive to safe­guard the integ­rity of cre­ation and sustain and renew the life of the earth.

Some web­sites / resources that you could view in advance include:
Anglican Com­mu­nion Envir­on­mental Network
Season of Creation
SEASON OF CREATION 2023 (pacificconferenceofchurches.org)
It is also hoped we will pray and discuss things we can prac­tic­ally do to help encour­age “greener” par­ishes and com­munit­ies. You may have some great ideas or ini­ti­at­ives under­way already!


Further inform­a­tion is avail­able from Kat, [email protected]

If you have to provide an apology, please email [email protected].

Questions? Drop us a line ...