“Perhaps more than anywhere else in Aotearoa New Zealand, the land on which the Diocese of Waikato & Taranaki sits has a deeply conflicted history”
Taking its name from the mighty Waikato river and the majestic Mt Taranaki, the Diocese honours its shared heritage with the people of Te Manawa o te Wheke and Te Upoko o te Ika.
The Diocese of Waikato was constituted in 1926. In 2010, and honouring the dream of Bishop Selwyn 165 years ago, the Diocese was renamed as the Diocese of Waikato and Taranaki.
This Diocese has held a unique place in the Anglican Communion, having had two Bishoprics; the Bishopric of Waikato and the Bishopric of Taranaki. This also means that there were two co-equal Diocesan Bishops; The Bishop of Waikato and the Bishop of Taranaki, and two Cathedrals; the Waikato Cathedral Church of St Peter and the Taranaki Cathedral Church of St Mary. At this time however, we share one Bishop who holds episcopal authority for the whole Diocese.