Our Work

Our diocese is engaged in a wide variety of work; local churches, schools, chap­laincy, social ser­vices and so much more

Our work

“wherever you have encountered us, you’re encoun­ter­ing ordin­ary people seeking to live out their faith and serve their communities.”

Philip Richard­son

Bishop of the diocese of Waikato & Taranaki



Our diocese is our primary organ­ising unit, provid­ing lead­er­ship, support, dir­ec­tion and assist­ance to our local par­ishes. The diocese trains our lay and ordained min­is­ters, sup­ports vestries,  and provides neces­sary safe­guard­ing over­sight so that every­one can feel safe in our churches and ministries.



Our churches are com­munit­ies that seek to live out the mission of God in their local neigh­bour­hoods every day of the week.

We gather together on Sunday for worship, to hear scrip­ture, to pray, to encour­age one another, to cel­eb­rate Christ’s death and resur­rec­tion through com­mu­nion, all so we may live as Christ’s people through­out the whole week. 

Click the link to find an Anglican Church in your local neighbourhood.



Anglic­ans have always believed that edu­ca­tion matters! 

Our exper­i­ence down through the cen­tur­ies teaches us that edu­ca­tion can trans­form indi­vidu­als and whole com­munit­ies. Edu­ca­tion is always about so much more than the acquis­i­tion of know­ledge; it is about nur­tur­ing the found­a­tions for a devel­op­ing wisdom in every individual.

Our hope is that young people in our Anglican Schools will develop a deep aware­ness that they are pro­foundly loved by God and that they each have unique and dis­tinct­ive gifts which they can use for the good of all. We also hope that they dis­cover in our schools an excite­ment for learn­ing and an expand­ing sense of wonder for the world around them.

Our Social


Our passion for social justice drives our social service agen­cies; Anglican Action in Waikato and The Bishop’s Action Found­a­tion in Taranaki.

Anglican Action’s ser­vices encom­pass par­ental edu­ca­tion, youth ment­or­ing and support, and accom­mod­a­tions to assist indi­vidu­als rein­teg­rat­ing into the com­munity after incarceration.

BAF’s work involves com­munity agency IT support, research, youth accom­mod­a­tion, ment­or­ing, com­munity gov­ernance support and train­ing to name just a few.

Join us in our com­mit­ment to cre­at­ing a more just and com­pas­sion­ate world.



Our chap­lains offer pas­toral, spir­itual, and reli­gious care to those within New Zealand hos­pit­als, schools, sports groups, rest homes, uni­ver­sit­ies, prisons, work­places and the mil­it­ary. Chap­lains listen and provide service to all people regard­less of their reli­gious denom­in­a­tion, faith ori­ent­a­tion, belief system, eth­ni­city, gender, or sexual orientation.

A chap­lain provides a com­pas­sion­ate pas­toral pres­ence to people, and can help them seek to under­stand their lives from a faith perspective.