Our Work

Our diocese is engaged in a wide variety of work; local churches, schools, chaplaincy, social services and so much more

Our work

“wherever you have encountered us, you’re encountering ordinary people seeking to live out their faith and serve their communities.”

Philip Richardson

Bishop of the diocese of Waikato & Taranaki



Our diocese is our primary organising unit, providing leadership, support, direction and assistance to our local parishes. The diocese trains our lay and ordained ministers, supports vestries,  and provides necessary safeguarding oversight so that everyone can feel safe in our churches and ministries.



Our churches are communities that seek to live out the mission of God in their local neighbourhoods every day of the week.

We gather together on Sunday for worship, to hear scripture, to pray, to encourage one another, to celebrate Christ’s death and resurrection through communion, all so we may live as Christ’s people throughout the whole week.  

Click the link to find an Anglican Church in your local neighbourhood.

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Anglicans have always believed that education matters! 

Our experience down through the centuries teaches us that education can transform individuals and whole communities. Education is always about so much more than the acquisition of knowledge; it is about nurturing the foundations for a developing wisdom in every individual.

Our hope is that young people in our Anglican Schools will develop a deep awareness that they are profoundly loved by God and that they each have unique and distinctive gifts which they can use for the good of all. We also hope that they discover in our schools an excitement for learning and an expanding sense of wonder for the world around them.

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Our Social


Our passion for social justice drives our social service agencies; Anglican Action in Waikato and The Bishop’s Action Foundation in Taranaki.

Anglican Action’s services encompass parental education, youth mentoring and support, and accommodations to assist individuals reintegrating into the community after incarceration.

BAF’s work involves community agency IT support, research, youth accommodation, mentoring, community governance support and training to name just a few.

Join us in our commitment to creating a more just and compassionate world.



Our chaplains offer pastoral, spiritual, and religious care to those within New Zealand hospitals, schools, sports groups, rest homes, universities, prisons, workplaces and the military. Chaplains listen and provide service to all people regardless of their religious denomination, faith orientation, belief system, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation.

A chaplain provides a compassionate pastoral presence to people, and can help them seek to understand their lives from a faith perspective.

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