Our people

Māku e kii atu, he tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata.

What is the most import­ant thing in the world? Well, let me tell you, it is people, it is people, it is people.

Our People

“baptism marks us as fol­low­ers of Jesus.”

Philip Richard­son

Bishop of the diocese of Waikato & Taranaki

  • All Staff & Volunteers
  • Dio­cesan Staff
  • Deans
  • Youth Ena­blers
  • Arch­deac­ons
Ben Fer­reira
Dio­cesan Manager
Talk to me about: All aspects of dio­cesan man­age­ment and administration
Kat Maxwell
Bishop’s Exec­ut­ive Chaplain
Talk to me about: Dio­cesan events, safe­guard­ing, queries about ordination
Jen­nifer Fielden
Senior Admin­is­trator
Talk to me about: All aspects of parish and dio­cesan administration
Mignon Bailey
Admin­is­trator, Bishop's Office
Talk to me about: Any­thing related to Bishop Philip
Sue Burns
Arch­deacon & Chap­lain for Voca­tional Formation
Talk to me about: Min­istry around Tama­here, queries regard­ing formation
Jay Ruka
Dean of St Mary's Cathed­ral / Meri Tapu, New Plymouth
Talk to me about: Any­thing related to St Mary's / Meri Tapu, min­istry in our wider New Ply­mouth area
Julian Perkins
Dean of St Peter's Cathed­ral - Hamilton
Talk to me about: Any­thing related to St Peter's Cathedral
Lance Pilbrow
Devel­op­ment Enabler & Arch­deacon of Waitotara
Talk to me about: Youth work in Taranaki, Comms, Dio­cesan news­let­ters, new initiatives
Andrew Evans
Arch­deacon of Maungatautari
Talk to me about: Things to do with min­istry in Matamata, Tirau, Putaruru, Tokoroa, Mangakino areas
Joel Rowse
Co-Arch­deacon of Hamilton
Talk to me about: Things to do with min­istry in Hamilton city and sur­round­ing areas
Joyce Marcon
Co-Arch­deacon of Hamilton
Talk to me about: Things to do with min­istry in Hamilton city and sur­round­ing areas
Val Riches
Arch­deacon of Piako & Vicar General
Talk to me about: Things to do with min­istry in Mor­rins­ville, Te Aroha, Paeroa, Waihi, Waihi beach, Katikati, Whangamata 
Kim Wright
Arch­deacon of Paraninihi
Talk to me about min­istry around the New Ply­mouth area